About Pure Water House
Pure Water House was established in 1991 to safeguard the people of Bangalore from waterborne diseases and household water problems. We are Distributors for Kent, Blue Star, and Alfaa UV water purifiers. We have over 30,000 installations of Kent, Alfaa, Blue Star and Aquasoft all across the city and its distant satellite towns. Over the years we have sourced the latest and best technologies to meet the changing needs of Bangalore's residents, many of whom no longer have access to treated municipal water.
Over the last 32 years Pure Water House has earned a reputation for:
1) Whole House / Apartment Complex Water treatment and purification.
2) Industrial UV Water treatment.
3) Domestic RO/UV water purification through Kent/Alfaa.
4) Blue Star Water Coolers, Water Dispensers, Deep Freezer, Ice Coolers.We provide Service within 24hrs (in 90% of cases) with GST Invoice and Guaranteed spares.
Borewell water differs from municipal water because it generally has very high salt or mineral content, Calcium and Magnesium salts normally account for a third of these minerals. But they cause Hardness, which damages Solar heaters, geysers, steam irons ,etc. Hardness is not treated by water purifiers.
Pure Water House has pioneered Aquasoft TM to treat this problem.
Other Products which complete our range include Centralised Treatment Plants, SS Water Tanks, Ice-Cubers and Deep Freezers.
What completes the PWH product portfolio is AFTER SALES SERVICE. That’s where we have an edge. The phone is normally answered before the 4th ring and a trained Service Technician, located in your area, will be at your door within 24 hours of your call(9 times out of ten).
Pure Water House is an Ethical Company with an outstanding record for integrity, honesty, genuine products/spares, with warranties honoured. and backed by prompt and courteous after sales service.
Only a company with excellent after sales service would survive into the 32 year in the field of water purification. We are justly proud of our excellent reputation and reviews.
Though a young company we have a History of many ‘Firsts’ to our credit:
We initiated Industrial UV Water Purification for PEPSI, the Pharmaceutical industry, Mineral water manufactures through Alfa in the early 90's
We developed point-of-use Water Softeners for Geysers and Washing Machines through Aquasoft in 1995.
Over these many years we have earned a reputation for INTEGRITY.
This is the cornerstone of Pure Water House.
In addition to representing, Kent, Blue Star, Alfaa, Pure Water House also manufacture our own products :
Aquasoft Water Softeners which are a boon for families who rely on borewell and tanker water.
Other Products which complete our range include Centralised Treatment Plants, SS Water Tanks, Ice-Cubers and Deep Freezers.
Business Philosophy
To Provide high quality, cost-effective solutions for
- • Purified Drinking Water
• Other Water Treatment needsFor Homes, Offices, Factories, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Hotels, Wedding Halls & other Public Places
To Provide the lead in initiating projects for purified drinking water for Charitable institutions.
To help the Public better understand the parameters of Potability.
To influence public policy in safeguarding our Water resources.
While providing correct information to our customers, with prompt and courteous after-sales service.
While maintaining honesty in our dealings with customers, government, our suppliers and each other.
While providing a harmonious, fair and happy working environment for all staff, irrespective of caste, creed or colour.
While ensuring a fair wage to the personnel employed, adequate funds to grow the business, and a fair profit.
While ensuring that we follow safe practices in transporting, installing and use of our products.
While constantly upgrading our knowledge on water purification and its applications.
A Brief Note On Water Purification
Kinds Of Impurities In Different Water Sources
Physical Impurities includes visible particulate matter like sand, silt, dust and dirt
Chemical include heavy metals like Lead, ,Mercury,, dissolved salts like Arsenic, Fluoride, Nitrates and Pesticides
Organic Impurities include dead and decaying plant and animal matter from mosses, algae, tadpoles, fish, etc, as well as their waste products.
Microbiological Impurities include disease-causing bacteria and viruses responsible for diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, jaundice, polio etc
Relative Strengths Of Different Technologies In Eliminating Varying Impurities In Water
Choosing The Right Product
If you are getting Borewell or Tanker water or a combination of Borewell and Municipal water or if you shift houses from time to time, chose Kent(RO + UV +UF) .
This allows you flexibility to control the Total Dissolved Salts(TDS), while retaining essential minerals in the water .
If you get Municipal water or Corporation Water, select Kent or Alfaa UV Models. This avoids water wastage.
When you require large volumes of drinking water, such as for schools, hostels, choultries, etc, Alfaa UV Institutional Models are ideal and really economic.
For industrial canteens depending on Borewell water choose Hireco Centralised RO plant, coupled with Aquasoft Centralised Water Softener.
If you have Hard Water (Total hardness above 150ppm) select Aquasoft Water Softener
Servicing Of Your Water Purifier All water purifiers sold by Pure Water House are backed up by FREE after sales service for 12 months After one year it is imperative to have a comprehensive service done, with a change of the sediment and carbon filters and also the taste conditioner
Our service department can be reached on Landline : 080 25489776 / 25489762, Mobile : 9845043424 and Email : pwhservice@gmail.com. Please refer to individual product descriptions to access the best fit for your requirement
Online VS Pure Water House
When you buy through the internet you are never sure of the genuineness of the product. There have been a number of raids or spurious manufacturers of Kent.
You have to wait for the product to be delivered, and pay extra for installation from a different local supplier.
Fly-by-night operators will not be there when you need spares and warranty service. They may also sell you skillfully recycled spares.
So beware.
You also need to register your unit through customer registration maintenance(CRM) software without which you can not get the free service.
When you choose Pure Water House you have ONE company to test your water, help you decide on which technology and product is the best suited for your water source and needs.
You get delivery and installation of genuine products within 24 hours and dependable spares, warranty and after sales service.
All on par with online prices(or marginally higher)
So be prudent and wise.
Priority service is given to customers who buy their purifiers from us.
Our Sincere Advice To Bangaloreans
How to save water : For starters if your water source is from a river, lake or open well the total dissolved salts will be below 500 parts per million(ppm).This is the desirable standard, set by the WHO.
Instal a Kent Maxx or Alfa UV, but never a Reverse Osmosis System which rejects and wastes 80% of the raw water.
Thus you get only one liter of purified water for every 5 consumed - a needless waste of a scarce resource.
If a million households followed this rule the saving would be 32,000,000 liters of water per day. With the Cauvery tussle going on in Karnataka/TN right now, this saving assumes urgency.
RO should be used only for borewell water with a salt content above 500ppm.